Local Health Authority (LHA) Commission
The Local Health Authority (LHA) Commission is the governing body of the Community Health Plan of Imperial Valley.
The LHA Commission consists of thirteen voting members that represent different sectors of the health system, the public, Medi-Cal beneficiaries, and businesses:
- Representative of the general public
- Member of the Imperial County Board of Supervisors
- Executive Officer of Imperial County, or designee
- Physician representing providers of Medi-Cal services
- Physician representing providers of Medi-Cal services
- Non-physician provider of Medi-Cal covered services or health care consumer, or community representatives or community clinics
- Chief Executive Officer of an Imperial County Hospital
- Chief Executive Officer of an Imperial County Hospital
- Chief Executive Officer or Administrator of a health clinic serving the largest proportion of Medi-Cal beneficiaries and the un- and under-insured
- Medical Director of a health clinic serving the largest proportion of Medi-Cal beneficiaries and the un- and under-insured
- Imperial County Director of Behavioral Health, or designee
- Imperial County Director of Social Services, and
- Medi-Cal beneficiary
LHA Commission Leadership
Chair: Lee Hindman
Vice-Chair: Yvonne Bell
Chair: Lee Hindman
Vice-Chair: Yvonne Bell
Chair: Dr. Adolphe Edward
Vice-Chair: Lee Hindman
Chair: Lee Hindman
Vice-Chair: Dr. Adolphe Edward
Chair: Lee Hindman
Vice-Chair: Dr. Adolphe Edward
Chair: Lawrence Lewis
Vice-Chair: Lee Hindman
Chair: Lawrence Lewis
Vice-Chair: Lee Hindman
Chair: John Renison
Vice-Chair: Lawrence Lewis
Chair: Dr. Afshan Baig
Chair: Dr. Afshan Baig
Standing Advisory Committees to the Commission
Our commission has five standing advisory committees that help to advise our work. Advisory committee members include a mix of Commissioners, subject matter experts, and community members.
LHA Commission History
Our History
On June 10, 2014, the Imperial County Local Health Authority (LHA) was established by Ordinance pursuant to California Welfare & Institutions Code Section 14087.38. We are a public entity comprised of community leaders from the health public and private sectors that are vested with responsibility to improve the health of the community and health outcomes for Medi-Cal beneficiaries.
The LHA Commission is the governing body of the LHA. The LHA Commission consists of thirteen voting members that represent different sectors of the health system, the public, Medi-Cal beneficiaries, and businesses as outlined in LHA Establishing Ordinance. The Commission began meeting in November 2014.
Our Mission
We are working with community residents and stakeholders in both the public and private sectors to:
• Advance opportunities for improved health and access to comprehensive health care services;
• Promote the long-term viability of safety net providers;
• Increase prevention, education, and early intervention services; and
• Partner with Medi-Cal managed care plans to monitor and improve the local healthcare system.
Our Vision
Healthy Community, Healthy Residents
Our Values
We are committed to an accessible and high-quality health care system that:
• Improves the health status of the community by focusing on the impact of the social determinants of health, health equity for all residents, and the reduction of health disparities;
• Is accountable and responsive to the community by engaging with community and business leaders and community residents to advocate for the health care needs of underserved residents of Imperial County;
• Joins in ongoing dialogue with Medi-Cal managed care health plans, providers, other stakeholders, and the community regarding the effectiveness of the Medi-Cal program, highlighting cultural competent, evidence-based programs and practices;
• Fosters and honors strong relationships with health care providers, especially safety net providers;
• Addresses the local challenges faced by Medi-Cal beneficiaries and the providers that serve them in collaboration with the Medi-Cal managed care health plans;
• Monitors health plan performance and reports their performance to the community;
• Reflects a knowledgeable and informed governing board that demonstrates leadership, engagement, and collaboration; and
• Supports the effective and efficient use of health care services.